Welcome to my blog!

Hi! I'm Jennifer and welcome to my blog! I hope as you join me on my weight loss journey you will laugh, learn and be inspired! I'll keep honest records of what works and what doesn't for me and share all the details regarding my progress! Feel free to share your stories with me and hopefully we can all encourage each other! Much love to you all! Jennifer <3

Sunday, September 18, 2011

35 years of ups and downs....

I am 35 years old and I weigh too much. Phew! There, I said it! Actually, I'm not brave enough to say exactly how much I weigh, but it's way too much. I have a thyroid condition (a pretty significant one) and type 2 Diabetes. Those two conditions alone make losing weight an intense uphill battle, but I believe I will lose weight. I just need to find the right program and support system.

I've always been heavyset, but not like I am now. Once the thyroid quit...that was all she wrote. I've tried many diets/programs. I've been on so many I've lost count. Most worked in some way or another, but either my willpower fizzled out or I just found the program to be unsustainable. When it comes right down to it, I have two main struggles when I'm dieting: hunger and seeing progress. I need to be able to consistently lose and NOT BE HUNGRY. If a program can help me with those two things, I'll be home free. I think!

I am hoping to meet with the manager of a local weight loss center this week. If everything works out, I'll get started and begin logging my journey with them here. I'm not going to mention yet who it is in case it doesn't work out, but they are very well respected and I'm really excited! I'll keep you posted!

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